Thursday, January 21, 2010


I've been blogging and doing internet stuff since 1993 (I started with AOL). I'm still learning things and I suspect that readers will be learning things too.
For example, "avoiding spam filters." The days of being hammered by "commercials" for everything from Viagra to escaping princes from Nigeria seem to be slowing down (some). At least I seldom see this anymore (I use gmail as my router).
But I've discovered some practices by friends which work to their disadvantage. Here's one: CHECK what your spam filter (if your IP has one) is holding in the way of emails. [Spam Filters are not perfect and just because it filtered something doesn't mean it was done correctly.] Sometimes Google stops legitimate emails! When it does I click on "not spam" and it reroutes to my Inbox. I do not know what that is all about... but, I know a catalog reseller in Germany who has 60,000 names on his email lists and he says keeping up with the spam filters is an ongoing process. We used to communicate regularly and now and then he doesn't get my emails.

What I have found (not with him but others) is that some people PURGE their Spam Filter contents without checking what's in them! Hence, if you send me any kind of an email from YOUR place, there is a better chance my Mail program will keep your address on file. This in turn makes your chances of getting something solid from me much more likely! The Blog and Web Orders will be two ways of further accomplishing that.

I have been working, off and on, on creating a new web site. Lots of decisions must be made, and the time needed to implement them must be taken into consideration. Then there is the maintenance and cost factor. So, in the beginning, dropping me a line or writing to me is no con, it's a way to establish your email address with me (not 100% perfect but it works better than most other ways).

This morning I read, on, an excellent interview with friend Karsten Mueller concerning his book on Bobby Fischer (with nearly 1000 annotated games). Karsten is always on point and he doesn't speculate. He has played through all the games and drawn certain conclusions, a few of which overturned his previous thoughts. One is: Fischer liked keeping the game under control and he sacrificed less often than Mueller had previously believed. The interview is worth reading, you might check it out.

He also seems to agree with Kasparov that Fischer was probably the greatest "natural" talent chess has ever produced. He sees some of Magnus Carlsen in Fischer too.

I am sending out a reminder today of a 5 page chess SALE ending this Saturday. If you didn't hear from me about this, I don't have you on my email list. Writing to me and asking for one will get it fired off to you.

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